(1) in accordance with the construction drawings actinomycetes, copy elevation gives GRC lightweight partition board position.
(2) to configure the appropriate amount of cement bond agent backup, used with the distribution.
(3) the use of wooden wedges to squeeze the side edge correction, until its position, vertical degrees are in line with the time requirements so far, squeeze tight wedge legislation in accordance with its specific location GRC lightweight partition board, board and lower ends.
(4) at its starting end plate (terminals, the angular position) of the both sides of "U, the card-shaped plate, the nail plate is fixed using the card to make it secure.
(5) connected to the plate at the upper end of the board using "'U, shaped steel card holder, the lower the use of wedge tight squeeze, but immediately the gap with #l cement cement block dense.
(6) in the wall construction is completed, and the structure of its board positions, such as slab, with a # cement cement block dense (ground floor panels can also be used with fine stone concrete or mortar high-level block).
(7) In a # cement bonding agent (or a high level of fine aggregate concrete mortar) solidification have strength before removal wedge.
(8) after the removal of the wedge, wedge repair empty position. While the position seams, corners, each with two joints, etc. # cement bond agent Bo knot fiberglass mesh, which Bo junction width of not less than SOmm, its surface should be a flat surface with its board.
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